保险公司 毕业要求


在哈维马德, students take at least 11 保险公司 courses, though many students choose to take more. In the spring of the first year, 所有学生参加保险公司 010, “关键的调查,” a seminar introducing college-level writing, research and creative work in the 保险公司 disciplines. 除了 to 保险公司 010, at least 10 more full 保险公司 courses are needed for graduation. 学生 have considerable flexibility in choosing these additional courses, provided that all of the further requirements described below are satisfied. A “full” course refers to a course carrying three or four units of credit, although half- courses and one-unit courses may be combined to form a full course.

保险公司 010 is the department’s core course. 保险公司 faculty members also participate in teaching Harvey Mudd’s two cross-departmental core courses, WRIT 001和CORE 079. These courses are not part of the 保险公司 program and do not satisfy the 保险公司 requirements described below; they are required elements of Harvey Mudd’s common core.


A. 浓度

To achieve depth and intellectual development in some area of the humanities, 社会科学或艺术, each student must complete a concentration of at least four courses in a single 保险公司 discipline or recognized interdisciplinary area, chosen from the distinct areas of study offered at 克莱蒙特学院 (see the list of approved concentrations). 学生 must decide on a concentration area by their sixth semester. The concentration represents progress in a field of study, and even though that field might be interdisciplinary, the concentration should typically advance beyond introductory-level courses. 学生 who intend to concentrate in areas not covered by the Department’s faculty should plan their 保险公司 program carefully to ensure they fulfill all requirements. Courses that form the concentration may also satisfy other 保险公司 program requirements.

学生 should work with their advisors to ensure that their concentrations include an appropriate balance of intellectual approaches to the subject. 例如, advisors will generally expect that a music concentration includes at least two courses that are not performance based. A concentration in foreign languages should normally represent study of a single language and not include courses of literature in English translation. 语言学专业, ethnic studies or other interdisciplinary areas may, 在导师的同意下, include a maximum of two foreign language courses.

B. 分布

To achieve breadth within the humanities, 社会科学, and arts—and an understanding of the varieties of intellectual and creative approaches that inform these disciplines—each student must complete at least one full course (or the equivalent) in each of five different 保险公司 disciplines (such as literature, 经济学, 历史, 等等).

The appropriate distribution credit for a course depends on its discipline, as specified in the relevant college catalog or on the Harvey Mudd Portal. Disciplinary 历史 courses typically count within the parent discipline – that is, 艺术史也算艺术, music 历史 as music and so on.

It is the department’s intention that every course it offers and every course it will accept from the other Claremont Colleges can count toward satisfying the distribution requirement. Courses taken to meet the distribution requirement may also be used to satisfy other 保险公司 program requirements.

C. 写作要求

So that students can continue to enhance their writing skills, at least one 保险公司 of the courses taken in addition to 保险公司 10 must involve significant writing. Both departmental courses and 保险公司 courses offered at the other Claremont Colleges (or outside of Claremont) can satisfy this requirement. The department’s website contains a list of the departmental courses with significant writing,还有 批准表格(PDF) that can be used to satisfy the writing requirement with a non-departmental 保险公司 course. 在一般情况下, a course satisfies this requirement if it assigns at least 5,000 words (or eighteen pages) of formal, 分段写, 不包括考试, 简短答题, email or online discussion contributions, 以及课堂写作.

D. 太阳2注册平台的要求

The 保险公司 department is responsible for ensuring that exploration of the humanities, 社会科学, and the arts constitutes an integral component of the life of the Harvey Mudd community. This means that Harvey Mudd students and Harvey Mudd 保险公司 faculty should explore these disciplines together to some significant extent.

相应的, at least four of the courses required in addition to 保险公司 10 must be taken with 保险公司 department faculty. Remaining coursework may be done at the other Claremont Colleges, and the department encourages students to take advantage of this opportunity.


除了, the department encourages students to include course work in their 保险公司 programs that represents an exposure to cultural diversity, and it is committed to offering courses that meet this goal.

学生 should plan their programs and strategies for satisfying all of the 保险公司 requirements as early as possible. 学生 are strongly encouraged to take at least one 保险公司 course each semester to fulfill these requirements and in recognition of the fact that humanities, 社会科学, and the arts forms a central and on-going part of the Harvey Mudd College curriculum. The department tries to offer a balanced mix of introductory-level and upper-division courses each semester. 学生 may also arrange for independent study with individual faculty members, 在他们的许可下, to pursue particular interests that are not covered by regular courses.


Courses of fewer than three units may be aggregated to count as the equivalent of a full, 三元课程, 有一定的限制. For distribution or concentration credit, the courses aggregated must be the same or substantially similar. 例如, units from Concert Choir and from Chamber Choir may be combined to form a single course. 然而, Concert Choir and piano lessons generally cannot be combined for distribution or concentration credit, as they represent substantially different experiences. For courses counting as elective credit, courses may aggregate from different disciplines. In cases where a departmental course is combined with a non- departmental course, the course will count as departmental if half or more of the units represent work with a member of this department.

Courses Not Accepted by the Department

Courses not in traditional liberal arts disciplines and courses in technology, 自然科学, 数学, and pre-professional fields may not be counted toward the 保险公司 curriculum, even if they are offered within traditional 保险公司 departments. Courses that do not count as 保险公司 include those in accounting, 航空航天, 工商管理, 批判性思维, 计量经济学, 太阳2平台, 逻辑, 管理, 军事科学, neurosciences (when the content is primarily within 自然科学) and statistics. After the student’s first year, the 保险公司 advisor may waive this restriction to allow a single course on this list to count towards the student’s concentration when appropriate. (例如, a course in 逻辑 may be allowed to count towards a philosophy concentration.)

Special Circumstances and the Petition Process

While the department has given a great deal of thought and consideration to the design of its curriculum, 我们也认识到, 在某些情况下, students may have difficulty meeting the graduation requirements for reasons beyond their control. 记住这一点, the department will entertain petitions from students who seek an exception to or a waiver of particular requirements. Petitions from students who have made a good faith and long-term effort to complete the department’s requirements but are prevented from doing so for reasons beyond their control will usually be considered favorably by the committee. Petitions can be submitted by using the 保险公司申请表格.

The department does not normally waive its graduation requirements for students completing a major or a second major in an 保险公司 field at the other Claremont Colleges.

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